View distance culling for dynamic objects?


I’m wondering if there’s any way to set a max view distance on meshes generated during run time? I’ve looked into cull distance volumes, but as far as I can tell those don’t work for generated stuff. I also have the view distance in the engine scalability settings set all the way down, but it’s still either really far away or not happening at all. I’ve looked all the obvious places (like the camera) and can’t find any hard settings for view distances. Am I missing something?

Look at the meshes details panel and you can set the max and min distances there as well. This should work for movable meshes as well

Hmm, you mean the min and max draw distances under Rendering, LOD? I see those for the mesh components of actors already in the scene, but they don’t seem to show up for anything else.

I’m building my world in cube chunks around the player as they move around. Each chunk is a Box collision volume that uses the “Add Static Mesh Component” function to spawn random obstacles inside its bounds. Is there some way to get at the settings for those meshes? Even when the game is running they don’t show up as components of the Volumes that spawn them.

Aha, I figured it out. I just can’t use that “Add Static Mesh Component” function. I have to actually set up an actor and spawn that so I can get at the settings.