Video to Texture

I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out why I can’t get video to texture to work properly. I’ve been working in 4.14, but also tried going back to 4.13. I’ve followed the steps here: Play a Video File | Unreal Engine Documentation and I’ve followed a couple other video tutorials that go over the same steps.

I have a small test mp4 file in my projects content/Movies folder. I create the FileMediaSource, link the file in there, no error next to the path. The problem is when I go to make the MediaPlayer and try to get the video to preview the video in this asset I get this error:** “LogWmfMedia:Warning: Failed to resolve byte stream file://E:/Projects/U4/TestProject/Content/Movies/Intro.mp4 (The byte stream type of the given URL is unsupported.)”** This error stops me dead in my tracks every time and I haven’t been able to find anyone else with the same issue. The error makes it sound like the path or file type is invalid. Everyone seems to recommend mp4, but I’ve also tried it with a WMV.