[Video] The Forest like Building system | Realtime construction/crafting gameplay

Hi ,

Again thank you for answering my questions. I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but if its such a simple process to check if it works in 4.7 couldn’t you do yourself so that people who want to purchase the kit can know if its going to work? I understand you not doing so if you were giving away for free, but if you’re charging people money for the files, you should at least be able to give a definitive answer.

I did it some time ago and it works well, as I said only some small issues found

If you need it for 4.7 I can take a look into it and upgrade it, I should be able to that on the weekend, but tell me if you would buy it or not

Hi ,

Oh most definitely. If you can get it to work in 4.7 without issues then I will purchase it from you 100%. You can e-mail me at info[at]torquemod.com if that’s easier for you.

Good, Ill take a look into it then

Thank you, Ill be contacting you soon

Awesome! Thanks . Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

Hi . Just wondering how the update is going?

I´m very busy but Ill get it soon, sorry for the delay

So does work with 4.7-4.8? You said that you’d check a long time ago, but I couldnt find your answer. I would buy it 100% if it works. Feel free to PM me if it does.

I’d like to know :). Thanks

I bought , and I’m missing the download link ? I went to your site and can not redownload it without paying ? You need a login for your website for problems like don’t happen.

There is a link, on the top of the page, to redownload your pucharses, it is: http://nsabater.com/checkout/purchase-history/ there you can redownload files.

To login, you can use Log In ‹ Nestor´s portfolio — WordPress (sorry, it seems the direct link to login on the web is missing, it´s added now)

Anyway I have a public email to contact me for pucharse problems etc, It is contact@nsabater.com

Ill be updating the framework to 4.8.1 week, sorry for the delays, as I said, I dont have much free time now… sorry

PD: Ill be updating the website to a more functional one on summer, I cant ensure when…

Finally I updated to v4.8+

You can buy it on my website http://nsabater.com/downloads/building-system/

If you already bought it, you can download the new version by login with your account and going to your pucharse history ( http://nsabater.com/checkout/purchase-history/ )

For trubles contact me on contact@nsabater.com

Hi ,
I sent you a PM about but I just wanted to make sure that integrating your work into an existing project is easy. I’m guessing that you have everything contained in its own folder so all you have to do is copy that folder into your own project?

Sorry for the long delay, I miss some of the replyes on my threads, seems that email notifications doesnt work as espected, in the v4.8 and previous versions the proyect is contained in ordered folders, but the whole proyect IS NOT on a unique folder, but now, with the release of 4.9 it is, so with the new update the folder tree looks like :

UPDATED: 4.9 version.

Here is a new vid of the update:

Whats new on 4.9?

  • Interaction system targeting redone, now you only interact with the object you are looking at, so from now you wont be able to interact with more than one object at once.
  • UMG included, now interaction buttons are shown trhought UMG widgets, on screen relative location, not on world location.
  • Materials (like logs or chunks) are now physics objects, you can interact with them and, when you leave them on the ground, they will simulate physics.
  • “Inventory” now only accepts one item at once***
  • A bug has been fixed.

*** The framework doesnt have a real inventory, but there is an array that keeps track of all items you are carrying, in 4.8 and previous versions I was leaving it like that because you may want to develop your game on that way, but now, Im limiting the inventory max items in just 1 item at once. It´s EASY to remove limitation.

New version will be available for download soon, and of course, if you´ve pucharsed an older version, you can download the new one on the release moment.

Thank you!

The website to buy it is offline

The website to buy it is offline.
Can you please change the link or send me an Email with a linkt to ?
Thank you a lot,
Jan Klaeren

I just noticed that my hosting provider has disabled the site due to a loot of traffic, Im migrating to another one, sorry for the delay, Ill be uploading the new one soon.

Ill post here when its online again.



i just try to buy your project but the web site is out.

do you know when we can buy it again ?


Good job, looks awesome.

Hi guys, the link to buy pack is still offline; i’m interested to buy it…is it possible to have an alternative link?

Could I restric the area to build? I’m not want player to place in anywhere