VICODynamics: a particle based Soft-Body physics Plugin

When do you think it will be added? Is there an ETA?

I would estimate in V1.5… as a ballpark. It’s a ways out so I can’t give you a certain ETA.

@ - does the cloth component handle non-grid meshes? E.g., if I wanted to have a cloak model be “clothy”, is that possible, or is it restricted to rectangular/square triangle grids?

For soft bodies, is there any chance it would be possible to mark a region of a skinned mesh as being soft body simulated? E.g., for fat/jiggly areas on characters.

Awesome plugin :slight_smile:

Yes, it will! I’m planning on allowing you to supply any Static Mesh to use as the “hull” of the cloth component. This will allow you to do any cloth shape you want.

Hmmmm, that would be pretty cool for characters and creatures. Might be possible to have jiggly bits that would attach to the skinned mesh. But having a set of verts of a skinned mesh simulate is definitely something I’ll look into!

Thank you!

Oke, thanks.

So epic, thanks much for supporting this!

If you can make it work, VICODynamics would quickly become a must-have for many people trying to achieve “next-gen” characters in UE4. As far as I know there isn’t really any sort of integrated solution for doing this.

Another quick question/feature request: for mesh-based cloth, would it be possible to add a feature so that we could use the built in vertex painting to define which vertices will have simulation effect them? Often with mesh based cloth you want just the bottom part of e.g., a coat to have physics influence, and the rest to be rigid.

Making it so we can stay in the editor to set these up would be a godsend.

Currently, you use an Editor Property to setup non-simulating points. Using the vertex paint tool would certainly be a lot more intuitive, I’ll look into what it takes to enable using vertex painting. Really awesome idea!

There’s the built in vertex paint tool, but I think it doesn’t work on skinned meshes, which might be an issue. There’s no reason it shouldn’t work on skinned meshes as long as they’re in the root pose, though.

Right, but I meant getting the paint data from the cloth component vertices. Or actually, I could have you paint on the static mesh itself and grab the data from it! That should work.

Hi, in preparation for using your dynamics plugin for cloth, where can I find a procedure for getting a UE character to use the rigged physics asset rather than simple capsule collision? I know your UI is not ready at this time but I want to be ready to start using it when you do release it. Is there any chance this step (implementing collision against the character physics asset) will be part of your UI? Thanks!

Currently, if your character has a Physics Asset setup correctly for ragdolling you should be good to go. There won’t be anything different/special to using the cloth component with a character, at least nothing I have planned.

That’s all that’s necessary? That’s great, I had been looking into getting IK bone chain dynamics to collide against the physics asset and it seemed to be a pain in the *** to set up, glad to hear you built it in. Thanks for the reply!

Decided to do a test of the tension rope with the vehicle sample:

Note: Collision with the vehicles was off in that video and tension was only affecting the car being towed.

Making steady progress with the Cloth Component, next up is using a StaticMesh as a base for conversion!

Oops, I guess it was a wee bit too heavy :wink:


I can’t wait to use this on characters.

if i bought the plugin early on do i still get a marketplace version or do i need to buy it all over again ?

Epic has told me that it can give access to licensees, I asked them this a while ago and there should not be a problem. Send me your purchase confirmation to and I’ll assist you from there.

I Sent the email. Hope to hear back soon