VFX Powerup Device - Vfx not visible on mobile

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



On mobile for local character own VFX Powerup not visible but other players vfx are visible.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In UEFN → Create VFX Powerup Device

  2. Set following settings
    Infinite Effect Duration - true
    Visual Effect - Custom Effect
    Custom Effect - Select Niagara system
    Selected Class - Any
    Selected Team - Any
    Apply To - Player
    Who Can See This Powerup - All
    Team Relationship Visibility - Everyone
    Is Effect Visible to Local Player - true

  3. Get Private island id (Project → Upload to Private Version… )

  4. Open fortnite on mobile and open island using pirvate island id

  5. Pickup vfx powerup

Expected Result

On mobile local player should able to see vfx powerup applied on own character.

Observed Result

On mobile you can’t see vfx powerup applied on your own character


Android, Samsung Galaxy S23

FORT-764997 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.