VFX gets culled at some angle regardless of bounding box settings. How to fix it?

Couple of informations that can come in handy:

  • I use VFX powerup device to spawn and attach the VFX to a player
  • I use Fixed Angle Camera - problem starts to happen when and while Distance>12000
  • VFX emitter uses local space, CPU sim, and systems bounding box is set to fixed and the box encapsulates the VFX fully.
  • it does not happen when camera is closer
  • I also noticed that it only happens when the VFX is higher on a screen then a player character.

I tried different settings for sim (both GPU and CPU), set both emitter and systems bounds and tested them separately.
Sadly I can not reproduce it in the editor - it only happens in the game mode. I assume that VFX powerup device does NOT respect bounding box of the VFX.

Do you have any other ideas on how to work around it?