Very simple way to realtime debug a packaged game

:slight_smile: want to share a very simple and useful way to see the log file generated from a running game packed as development or debug in windows without visual studio or any other tool.

Just create a simple .bat file like this:

@echo off
powershell -Command "Get-Content '<your full log path. Example: d:\.....\GameName\Saved\Logs\GameName.log>' -Wait"

then run your game and while is running just run that .bat file.
Now you have a windows shell displaying the log of the game in realtime :slight_smile:

I think this is very useful for users that work with pure blueprints and dont want to go debugging with visual studio/rider or other tools. Or any users because is very handy. It works even for computers in your local network ( I use to test my multiplayer game in 3 computers and I can have 3 shell windows with realtime logs of the 3 machines at the same time!)

Hope it helps someone!
