Very long wait for UE5.1 render

A very long wait for rendering on version 5.1, while the scene for rendering consists of 2 simple objects, 3 light sources, but at the same time I have been waiting for the render to start for 30 minutes

Created a new project with starter content, created a simple scene. same problem, still attaching screenshots of errors in the console

Have you ever had this issue before? It could be your specs. If your specs are perfectly fine, they may be overflowing with tasks. Check your task manager and see what is using your CPU (CPU renders lighting I believe, could be wrong). If you CPU is being used by other applications, close those applications or pause their actions. Hope this helps

I have CPU ryzen 5700x gpu rtx 3080 32gb memory . On engine version 5.03 everything works as it should. Load while waiting for render on 5.1 minimum

I’d still check if it is processing anything else. I have a ryzen 3700X (which yes it’s not as good but still good) and it’ll still throttle

I closed all programs, nothing has changed

I accidentally clicked on solution

No no, the CPU is still at 60%-ish. Also, you can check how many cores of your CPU Unreal is using by going to the “details” tab, finding Unreal, right click, and set affinity. By default they should all be checked but it’s nice just to check. If none of this works, go ahead and look up on google how to dedicate more processing power to a certain app.

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