Hello everyone. I just discovered an issue in 4.9.1 that didn’t happen in 4.8.3. These are the reproduction steps:
- Create a new project.
- Create a new Empty level.
- Hit the build button.
The lighting build process will never end or it will be very long. Now let’s do the following:
- Add a cube to the scene to location 0,0,0. I use the one called Cube in /Engine/BasicShapes
- Hit the build button.
The same will happen. Infinite building times. Now one more thing:
- Scale the Cube to 2,2,2.
- Hit the build button.
Now it builds the level instantly as expected.
It seems there’s a problem with very small or empty scenes or something. I tried with 4.8.3 and I didn’t have this issue. In 4.9.1, I also tried with different lights, movable, stationary, adding a Lightmass Importance Volume, etc. But it always takes too long to build the level if there is no content or it is very small. The same happens by adding a BSP cube. With the default 200x200x200 cube, the scene builds fine. Setting it to 100x100x100 it has the same problem again.