Very black shadow

I no longer know how to deal with this lighting, I need to make an evening location (rather dark), but in this screenshot the lighting is already very light and the shadows on the hands and sword are too black, how can I fix it? I made my skysphere using guides on YouTube, there is a direction light with a power of 1 on the stage, and even a skylight with a power of 1 (although for some reason when I just throw sky light on the stage, it does not illuminate it, and I have to put my hdr sky texture in the CubeMap graph in sky light), I just need a dark It’s an evening scene, but the shadows in it shouldn’t be black.

I think your HDRI is far too bright to make a dark scene? Try lowering the intensity. You may also want to adjust auto exposure / eye adaptation settings, as it can make dark scenes appear bright in some cases.

but the main problem is not that I cannot create a dark scene (I can create it by simply reducing the intensity), but that the hands are too dark, and they need to be clearly visible.

Consider changing the background elements to a more natural color when choosing the correct sky intensity. You are comparing a full white backdrop material against the lower albedo foreground elements, and it will make it difficult or impossible to balance the exposure. Unless you plan on having the character run around in a pure white environment, this will likely never occur to this extreme in practical cases.

But if you need, you could add extra lighting to the character in particular. Many games do this either give a more cinematic look, or make sure the character remains at least partially lit regardless of the environment.

Я обязательно прислушаюсь к вашему совету, но, к счастью, я уже почти в отчаянии нашел решение, вам просто нужно снять галочку с этого параметра, или вы можете включить его и установить свой собственный цвет, по умолчанию он почему-то черный… В общем, снятие галочки с этого параметра решило мою проблему :slight_smile:

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