Vertex Painter Crashes UE4 On First Use With a Merged Mesh

Vertex painter crashes UE4 on first use with a merged mesh. You can simply reproduce this with these steps:

  1. Select some static meshes in a scene.

  2. Go to Window > Developer Tools > Actor Merging.

  3. Enable ‘Bake Vertex Data’ option and ‘Replace Source Actors’ option while doing this.

  4. Click to: File > Save All.

  5. Try to paint this merged mesh. It will crash.

  6. Restart UE4 and try to paint again. Now it won’t crash.

Hi ,

After investigating I found that this issue doesn’t occur in 4.13 preview. I didn’t find a bug report on this though, but I can confirm that I was unable to reproduce the crash.

Hope that helps!