Verse UI shows up and disappear with a delay

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If you’re displaying UI widget through verse it has a slight delay between event that triggered UI to show up and when it’s actually showing on the screen. However when you’re using widget blueprint and triggering it to show up it happens immediately.

The delay is not dependent of the amount of elements inside a verse widget, you can get delay if you’re using 1 text block for example or 5 clickable buttons either.

Also delay duration is random, sometimes it takes up to ~1.5 seconds and sometimes it shows up almost immediately, I don’t think it’s because of ping because in the all tests ping always was around 20.

Steps to Reproduce

Write this code
CreateMyUI() : canvas =

    Text1 : text_block = text_block{DefaultText := StringToMessage("This is displayed with Verse"), DefaultTextColor := NamedColors.White}
    Button1 : button_quiet = button_quiet{DefaultText := StringToMessage("Exit") }

    UICanvas : canvas = canvas:
        Slots := array:
                Anchors := anchors{Minimum := vector2{X := 0.5, Y := 0.5}, Maximum := vector2{X := 0.5, Y := 0.5}}
                Offsets := margin{Top := -200.0, Left := 0.0, Right := 78.0, Bottom := 47.0} # X - Left, Y - Top , Size X - Right , Size Y - Bot
                Alignment := vector2{X := 0.5, Y := 0.5}
                SizeToContent := false
                Widget := Text1
                Anchors := anchors{Minimum := vector2{X := 0.5, Y := 0.5}, Maximum := vector2{X := 0.5, Y := 0.5}}
                Offsets := margin{Top := -120.0, Left := 0.0, Right := 892.0, Bottom := 56.0}
                Alignment := vector2{X := 0.5, Y := 0.5}
                SizeToContent := false
                Widget := Button1

    return UICanvas

if(AgentExsits := VarAgent?):
if(PlayerUIToAdd := player[AgentExsits], PlayerUI := GetPlayerUI[PlayerUIToAdd]):
if(Canvas := OptUI?):

ExitButtonClicked(WG : widget_message):void=

var OptUI : ?canvas = false

Expected Result

The UI should disappear from the screen at the same speed as it does without using Verse, but only with creative devices.

Observed Result

The UI disappears with a slight delay.



Additional Notes

You can see in the log when the button was pressed and when the UI should have appeared, but it takes a few seconds to appear after the interaction.

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