Previously, I had designed a custom UI with verse that allowed players to pick their own perks/items at the beginning of the match, right now it seems to be broken and doesn’t update the widgets when I tell them too or they will just get stuck at the screen when I try to remove them. I only started noticing this today when I asked my friend to play the map. It worked fine for me alone at first, and it still did but it was broken for him. I printed out some of the things that were supposed to happen and they all got printed, but the API manipulating the UI didn’t work at all for him…
So we tried the latest live version of the game, and it worked for the both of us, this version was published in 30.20. I changed nothing in verse related to the UI part of the game so its really confusing as why it stopped working. we even tried a playtesting private code and the same issue appeared, when I joined his game while it was in progress I started having the same issue.
Steps to Reproduce
Add widgets to all players their screens.
Try updating the widgets or removing them.
Expected Result
I expect my code to be running like before. where it either updates the widgets using the Set... API or removes the UI from the screen
Observed Result
The UI just doesn’t update anymore and it also doesn’t get hidden when hideUI is called
Tested on PC
Island Code
Additional Notes
This is game breaking, if players get stuck in UI they can’t play the game at all
Important detail, seems like it only happens when you’re on high ping, when I tested with my laptop and pc on the same wifi/servers it worked perfectly, but when he and I had around 90 ping it didn’t update anymore after initially showing the UI
Epic…please, please please make this a priority. Remove Widget has stopped working consistently (100% of the time). And it destroys the user experience when you leave a widget on the screen. I cannot confirm if this due to high ping, but I am going to test that out with our map.
I’ve also been seeing this happen. It’s almost like any player with a low end device or bad connection has a high chance of having any RemoveWidget UI call fail, especially if there are alot of players and things going on in the game at the time.
My only workaround for this has been to spam the RemoveWidget every frame for several seconds hoping that at least one of the many calls will go thru.
Hey folks! Just wanted to give a quick update. The ticket has been reopened and was assigned for investigation. Thanks so much for the extra information, we really appreciate it!!
I also tried many things to reproduce the bug. Calling this UI 100 times a second, adding a bunch of assets to make the scene heavier, adding many creature spawners and attacking them with a ray gun, getting other HUD messages on the screen, or updating other UI at the same time, but nothing really makes it easy to reproduce.
Opening many Chrome tabs and playing a bunch of YouTube videos has been the most reliable, while spawning the ui 100 times a second, but still takes a while.
Let me know if I can help by sharing my code, good luck!