Verse Persistence causes connection error for old projects

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We have discovered a critical bug with Verse Persistence:
If you add Verse Persistence to a project that has already been released prior to v29.00, then returning players who try to join the island for the first time after the update will get a short loading screen and then a connection error. After that, their old save values (Save Point device, inventory, trackers) will be reset.

If you publish a new project created after v29.00, this bug will not occur.

We suspect this bug occurs when trying to merge non-existent verse persistence into a new persistent data scheme.

We did not remove the save point device or trackers. And we also did not revert to a previous version.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Edit a project that has already been released prior to v29.00
  • Add Verse Persistence and publish the new version
  • Join with a player, that had Save Data before the update
  • Connection error will occur. After that, their old save values (Save Point device, inventory, trackers) will be reset

Expected Result

  • No connection error
  • Old Save Data should still be set

Observed Result

  • Connection error
  • Old Save Data erased



The status of FORT-721985 incident has been moved from ‘Ready for QA’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Duplicate’

@Vilvalas is this still happening after the update?

Yes, it’s still happening, seemingly randomly. We encountered the connection error twice today (in a new playtest code, and in the live version of our Mega World Map).

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Thank you for the quick response. The team is checking into it.