Verse Path

When you open the project on UEFN it displays this message

The default Verse path for project KingCity could not be used.

Verse path ‘/’ is already associated with another project

Please enter the project Verse path:

And the island has the same Verse Path in CREATOR PORTAL

I have been suffering from this problem for a week and I contacted support but it was not resolved and I was referred to you

Before today’s update, when I did Private Versions for the island, it was directed to another island It is not published and has no Verse path , even though I had previously published without any problems.

Please help me , I depend on this island as a source of profit
Island Code:

regard …

That Verse path and island code are associated to this project id:

can you please share the content of the.uefnproject file you’re opening?

(post deleted by author)

as I expected, that uefnproject points to a different project:

		"projectId": "81ef18e7-4a39-94ce-db55-e68802801e5f",
		"projectVersePath": "",
			"KingCity": "35316fd6-4789-8118-9f0d-59bee3e18868"

not sure how you got into that state. do you know?

in any case, to fix it you have to manually edit the uefnproject file and put this in the bindings section:

		"projectId": "3a3d5832-5279-45e4-a11a-bae7027a9fe2",
		"projectVersePath": "/",
			"KingCity": "a247cf14-47ba-88d4-cdb5-fba861e45ce6"

The message abut Verse Path has disappeared
Private Versions heads to the right island new

But another message appeared abut revision control:
Connection Error: The project directory contains Unreal Revision Control data for a different project.

Thank you for all the help you give me

The Unreal Revision Control (URC) repository is associated with the project id as well. So when a new project id was assigned to your local project, a new URC repository was created for it.

To bind your project to its original URC repo, you can simply delete the .urc directory in your project folder.

I have this exact problem can anyone explain what I need to change here?

i need it to be binded to projectA and when i change and save and reload uefn it still keeps sending private version to the wrong place what am i doing wrong?


	"projectId": "6879ce44-4373-4aca-c95c-338b72f3a11a",
	"projectVersePath": "/",
		"MyProjectA": "5ebcdd07-4224-2a94-6b07-7ca371e66e7b"

How did you get the project id? (I’m having the same issue)
I also have a theory on how I got in this state: I opened my project with an alt account to test if it would be possible to send it to a friend

unfortunately the Creator Portal website doesn’t show project and module ids, but you can go to this website:
there you’ll find all of your projects (the project id is written right under the project name) and if you click on a project you’ll see more info on the project such as its Verse path, the link code for the live version, the link codes for private versions and the module(s) along with their id

Thank you for that secret link, but is it normal to see my project twice (same name, different project id)?

different projects (aka different ids) can have the same name, but not the same Verse path

since you’re in the situation discussed in this thread, it totally makes sense that you have “duplicate projects” on content service

what I’d like to know is how you got in that situation in the first place.

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I opened my project with an alt account (on the same pc if that matters) and confirmend that I wanted to make changes. When I switched back to my main account, I had to confirm I want to make changes again and then got this verse path error. (on both accounts)
Also (don’t know if this is related), when I want to start a edit session, get prompted to change the verse path and cancel, UEFN crashes at 33% loading

right that explains it.

if your second account doesn’t have access to that project id (the one written in the bindings section of the uefnproject file) because it’s not part of the team that owns the project or because the project is owned by a single user, then UEFN will ask you if you want to associate the local project with a different project on content service and then updates the bindings section of the uefnproject file accordingly

do you have more info on that crash? logs? a crash id?

Today I changed accounts in the epic games launcher, and now I could access the project with my second account. I’m pretty sure it didn’t work yesterday when I changed accounts in UEFN.

Well actually it isn’t a crash, it just freezes completley. I can’t even close it in the task manager. Also, everything except RAM usage is at 0 if that matters.

I tried to repro this and I got no crash, no freeze, so there must be some other reason
Unfortunately the log you posted seems to only include opening the project, not launching it

I tested it with other projects, it only happens with this particular one. I’ll dm you the project

You are a legend, my problems were solved, thank you sir

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