Verse Path

I was able to open the project you sent me, launch it and play it just fine (both in live UEFN and on an internal build)

So whatever you’re seeing is specific to the project on Creator Portal (which I don’t have access to obviously) or specific to your local settings/user account (less likely) but it’s not caused by the project source files themselves

To investigate further I would need a complete UEFN log with the following steps:

  1. Start UEFN
  2. Open the project
  3. Launch Session
  4. Wait a bit to make sure it’s really “stuck”

You’ll typically find the log file here (check the timestamp to make sure you get the right one):

I’ve been getting a Verse path issue as well, when trying to convert an island from Creative to UEFN. It will allow me to open it but it says that I can’t change the Verse path because the project is already published, and it does not display a Verse path in creator portal or in the .uefnproject file. Curious if this is a known issue or something that can be worked around.

The timestamp in the first line matches

I’ll also try to reinstall UEFN (Edit: didn’t work)

Would it be possible to create a new project and then copy the content somehow?

what’s the link code of the published island?

Can you please zip the following folder and send it to me?



any help?

Close UEFN, delete that directory and try launching the project again


Still freezes; the folder was auto-generated again

I was supposed to just delete c7762ffb-4c96-3ec0-f032-2289cbb35f19, right?


you can delete the entire ValkyrieUploadTemp directory if you want (everything in there gets regenerated/updated on upload), but I don’t think deleting everything will solve your issue

Now I’m really surprised I’m not able to repro this with your source project files

I’ve relayed the information to the developer that owns this space.

@SaSteMi can you please start another thread specifically for this issue and link me in it?

I reverted the project back to 1.0 after dealing with these issues, should I re-convert it back to UEFN before getting this information?

you don’t have to. I just need the live island code

Gotcha, thank you for clarifying, this is the island code: 3134-6635-7261

I see what the problem is and I’ll make a fix for it. it won’t come out for a few weeks, so in the meantime you can fix it by visiting this website:

you should see that the project already has a few Verse paths assigned to it, but the problem is that there’s no primary one

I believe you should be able to set the primary Verse path by doing this (let me know if that does not work):

  1. Click the More button on the top right
  2. Select Add Verse path
  3. Enter / which is one of the Verse path it already has (or whatever you want its primary Verse path to be)
  4. Refresh the web page (because the UI that shows the list of project Verse path doesn’t refresh well)

Once you have assigned the primary Verse path of the project, you can reconvert it to a UEFN project and you should be good to go.

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ممكن حسابك انستا او دس صارت لي نفس المشكله حقتك تقدر تساعدني في حلها ؟

Unfortunately it didn’t seem to assign the primary Verse path

Indeed I can see that nothing changed on your project.

Were you getting any error or did it just fail silently? I’m going to escalate this with the proper team.

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it said this: Cannot change primary verse path for a published project. <code></code>

Thanks for the info. We’ll be able to fix this issue at the content service level and a new release of UEFN won’t be needed.
I’ll let you know once it’s fixed.

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