Verse info missing from the Fortnite.Digest.Verse file


Loads of functions missing from the item_spawner_device within the verse digest file

it currently is

Used to configuration and spawn items that players can pick up and use.

item_spawner_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(base_item_spawner_device):
    # Cycles device to next configured item.
    CycleToNextItem<public>():void = external {}

    # Spawns the current item.
    SpawnItem<public>():void = external {}

    # Sets device *Respawn Item on Timer* option (see `SetTimeBetweenSpawns`)
    SetEnableRespawnTimer<public>(Respawn:logic):void = external {}

    # Returns device *Respawn Item on Timer* option (see `SetTimeBetweenSpawns`)
    GetEnableRespawnTimer<public>()<transacts>:logic = external {}

    # Sets the *Time Between Spawns* (in seconds) after an item is collected before the next is spawned, if this device has *Respawn Item on Timer* enabled (see `SetEnableRespawnTimer`)
    SetTimeBetweenSpawns<public>(Time:float):void = external {}

    # Returns the *Time Between Spawns* (in seconds) after an item is collected before the next is spawned, if this device has *Respawn Item on Timer* enabled (see `SetEnableRespawnTimer`)
    GetTimeBetweenSpawns<public>()<transacts>:float = external {}

It is missing alot of functions like enable/disable ect and may be confusing to a new person learning verse

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

look in the verse digest and compare with the docs

Expected Result

it should have the correct information

Observed Result

it is missing the info


uefn verse

Island Code

no island code

Additional Notes

i will show a image

Current info in verse digest

in the docs

The functions you are looking for are listed in the parent device class api under base_item_spawner_device

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Hey yall!

TritonSailor is correct! The missing functions are covered in the API reference documentation.

Digests are the intermediate output of the compiler. It will only show the added functions for the item_spawner_device, but not the functions that are inherited from its superclass. The API reference is meant to be the documentation.

Apologies on the confusion!

Thankyou for confirming

When i was learning Verse i did not know this and assumed they wasn’t the functions as none was listed :frowning: hence raising it as someone will do the same thing and not realize you can actually use the functions

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