Verse documentation on devices is bugged or down. List of devices never finishes loading


Verse documentation on devices is down, it seems to just get stuck in loading the device list forever. I’ve tried different browsers and computer and still can’t access it. That documentation is the most important part to reference during development since the code hinting in VSCode is still not that great.

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Steps to Reproduce

Go to: Devices module | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community

List of devices never shows up

Expected Result

I expect to see a list of all the devices that can be accesed in verse

Observed Result

Loads forever.


Tested in Chrome and Firefox

Thanks for the report,

I see the same thing.

“Devices” is the only group with a subcategory (InterpolationTypes). So I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

hi @MegaPumpkin64 ,
The new 31.10 Verse Documentation

Verse API Reference | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community (


Create Your Own Device Using Verse