Non-streamed actor (IsSpatiallyLoaded=false) /ObstacleTycoon/UEFN_Tycoon.Ytycoonbutton5 references Streamed actor (IsSpatiallyLoaded=true) /ObstacleTycoon/UEFN_Tycoon.Prop_ButtonUFODetailed6 . Content or devices not marked for streaming cannot reference streamed content or devices. Either remove the reference to streamed content or mark the referenced content as non-streaming
I saw that this problem has been for over a year, any solutions?
Resaving devices did not work., I can change everything else to IsSpatiallyLoaded=false, except for some fortnite devices.
By disabling streaming you essentially disabled loading and unloading assets based on players’ distance. Nothing wrong with that if you aren’t planning to make a big map that needs streaming for memory optimization