Verse crash when teleporting a disguised player

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If a player is wearing a disguise (Creepin cardboard, Sneaky snowman, etc.) AND that player is currently crouched, the game will crash if that player is teleported using a Teleporter device.

LogVerse: Error: VerseRuntimeErrors: Internal error encountered.

Steps to Reproduce

-Add a teleporter device
-Equip the player with Creepin Cardboard/Sneaky snowman
-Deploy the disguise and enter it
-Crouch while disguised
-Use verse to teleport the crouched player, e.g. Teleporter.Teleport(CrouchedPlayer)

Expected Result

Player should be teleported, either still in their disguise, or their disguise should be destroyed in the process

Observed Result

Verse crashes and will not execute any more code, even if the teleport is performed in an async function.

LogVerse: Error: VerseRuntimeErrors: Internal error encountered.


All platforms

nothing changed, calling TeleportTo on disguised player gives an error:

LogVerse: Error: VerseRuntimeErrors: Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_Internal: An internal runtime error occurred. There is no other information available.
Truncated callstack follows:
Athena^layer_SneakySnowmanV2_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Athena^layer_SneakySnowmanV2 (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
Athena^layer_SneakySnowmanV2_C:HandleMovementBaseChanged (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))