verse code

I’m doing the Domination Template, but when I enter the verse on the page, I get an error.
I’m new to this, so I don’t know what the error is or what I need to change.

URL:Deserted: Domination Template | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community

(197,85, 197,104) : Script error 3506: Unknown identifier DominationSpawnTags.
(207,14, 207,33) : Script error 3506: Unknown identifier DominationSpawnTags.
(209,14, 209,33) : Script error 3506: Unknown identifier DominationSpawnTags.
(211,14, 211,33) : Script error 3506: Unknown identifier DominationSpawnTags.
(223,83, 223,86) : Script warning 2011: This expression in the right operand of ‘set … = …’ can fail, but the meaning of failure here will change in a future version of Verse. To preserve the current meaning of this code in future versions of Verse, you should move the expression that can fail outside the ‘set’.
For example, if you have the expression:
set Variable = ExpressionThatMightFail,
you can change it to the following two expressions to preserve the meaning:
Value := ExpressionThatMightFail
set Variable = Value
(269,33, 269,52) : Script error 3506: Unknown identifier DominationSpawnTags.

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# Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
	using { / }
	DominationSpawnTags<public> := module:
	    Tag_SpawnGroup<public>:=            class(tag){}
	    Tag_SpawnGroup_Initial<public>:=    class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
	    Tag_SpawnGroup_GroupA<public>:=     class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
	    Tag_SpawnGroup_GroupB<public>:=     class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
	    Tag_SpawnGroup_GroupC<public>:=     class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
	    Tag_TeamOwnership<public>:=         class(tag){}
	    Tag_TeamOwnership_Team1<public>:=   class(Tag_TeamOwnership){}
	    Tag_TeamOwnership_Team2<public>:=   class(Tag_TeamOwnership){}

Unknown identifier means Verse can’t see or find something it should be able to access. You probably need to paste this code into your Verse project file, so it can see this code. It is telling you that it is looking for this code but can’t find it, so you need to paste it in there, up on top, just below the modules should be fine.

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