Vending Machine items dropped instead of put in players inventory.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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When players purchase an item from a vending machine it should go into an open slot in the inventory but it’s currently dropping the item on the ground and can drop items through floor assets making items unreachable.

Steps to Reproduce

Place a vending machine, add an item and set its cost then start game. Purchase the item from the vending machine and it will not get put in players inventory.

Expected Result

If a player purchase the item from the vending machine, it should get put in players inventory if they have a free spot.

Observed Result

Purchasing the item form the vending machine results in the item landing on the area in front of the vending machine.



Island Code


FORT-757335 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.

Was coming to make this post! This issue is extremely reproduceable as it happens every time.

This ruins gameplay loop in combat maps.

This will be fixed in a future update!


Are we able to get a more specific timeline? If this is going to be an issue for awhile I think I will have to make my own system to avoid this.


Also might have to redo our entire shop because of this.

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This is ruining 2 of my experiences where I have a mutator zone that instantly destroys items (because item is destroyed before player can pick it up) and one of my experiences that doesn’t, because it makes purchasing items from vending machines very sluggish, as the player has to purchase the item, then pick it up off the ground.

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“A future update”??? wow.

So people are going to stand next to people when using vending machine and ‘scoop/steal’ the weapon they just bought.

We also have items dropped on ground removed with a mutator zone, so now we have to put in a new version/review to extend this time. CRAZY

Also had to submit another version for review because we have very low to floor machines and they dropout of vending machine below floor level. ugh.


this is also happening to my islands and people can purchase something and not get the item yet they spend gold… Crazy

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Yes! The vending machines have a few issues…here’s one that might be helpful to fix at the same time: A rather UNUSUAL bug: multiple stacks of multiple varieties of fish can fit in the same inventory slot - General / Issues and Bug Reporting - Epic Developer Community Forums (

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@TheAweDam - this should now be fixed. Thank you so much for the report!


Hi, I had no issues before that fix, but now I have been struggling with dropped items from vending machines that you can’t pick up even with empty inventory , inability to build half the time and detect when player is crouching.

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