VehicleMovementComponent → Drag Force Parameter
The drag force should simulate air drag force and slow the car down at high speeds
Bug: The Drag force is not applied on a local vector of the car [-X], but on a world axis [-X]. This leads to drifting while driving parallel to the world [Y] axis, or crazy accelleration while driving in world[-X] direction.
Notice: This effect can only be seen with fast moving cars, or cars of extreme low mass. I myself needed 3hours to figure out why my car was drifting always in world[-X] while driving on ice (low tire fraction)
How to repruduce:
Create a WheeledVehicle BP
Import a car, set everything up (the car from the content packs will work too, if they use a vehiclemovementcomponent)
Change the mass inside the VehicleMovementComponent to a low value like 10kg. This will make sure, you can see the effect. You might also set the tire friction a little lower like 0.4
Make sure VehicleMovementComponent->“Drag Force” <>0 (higher values work better)
Auto Posses Player 0 in game, drag car into a level.
Play the game. Align car to World Y-Axis and speed up. The faster the car goes, the more it will be dragged to World [-X] Axis.
If you can’t reproduce, build a little ramp aligned World Y-Axis. The Tire Friction may cause the issue. If no tires are on the ground or the front wheels lift a little when going full throttle, the effect will be seen much better.
best regards, Tank