We have a problem with the vehicle system. We have checked all tutorials, videos and other relevant stuff that posted by either community or epic heroes, but couldn’t find a point about that.
We have imported our vehicle model to Unreal Engine 4, set all necessary settings with that. Model has 4 tire bones which are connected to root bone placed at 0,0,0, defined collisions as sphere for wheels, box for body temporarily. When we press forward button, force goes to wheels, not problem with that either.
But the weird point is, when we set wheel collisions in physics asset as “kinematic”, (body(root) stays at default), unreal does not recognize wheels’ collisions. Vehicle falls to ground within collision of the body’s constrains.
If we set all wheels as simulated, problems’d have been solved, but as predicted, vehicle does not move in that case. If we set wheels as kinematic, wheels go under the floor, unreal detects only body collision.
By the way, if we simulate the vehicle’s physics in physics asset tool, physics go crazy, but in level scene as controller, that physics madness is not happening.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Running the game: (Result)
Physics asset - root selected:
Physics asset 2 - tires selected:
Blueprint 1:
Blueprint 2:
Simulating on physics asset tool:
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