Hi everyone, I have a scene with a car and a metahuman inside, the problem is when i try to render the scene in the Movie Render Qeue, the car dissapear in Epic and Cinematic Scalability using Path Tracing, and now trying to solve this, the Meta Human has dissapear too XD
Please Help :')
Hello !
Haha, that’s a weird problem but it can be a lot of things.
The first thing you can do is to check its properties.
In the Rendering section it should have checked “Visible” and “Visibility Gameplay”
Also look that “Actor Hidden in Game” is unchecked

Also, in the Sequencer. Isn’t animated any weird thing?
Sometimes unintentionally Unreal make a key in location, scale, maybe Hidden in Game.
Let me know if any of this helps you!
Hi ! Thanks for your answer, im thinking that the issue have relation with the level of quality, because i was playing with the scalability and with that selection that you can see in the screenshot the car is visible in the render, if i increase the quality more, the car dissapears, but the scene its not too heavy…what do you need to render in cinematic? a 3090 TI ??
I have discovered something…stupid and amazing at the same time XD i was using to animate in the sequencer the Blueprint of the car…and i have created another level sequence and using the .fbx rigged i can render in cinematic scalability and using epic material level 
Im new using unreal…i know that this could be my mistake, but this could be something strange in unreal??
I hope that this could help people with the same issue