Vanishing C++ BluePrint Function Library

I’ve successfully created a C++ Blueprint function library, when I exit/crash Unreal Engine v5.3.1 the node; ‘LaunchEmulator’ completely vanishes, I have to recompile my code reconnect the node back up again, why is this the case?

Are you using microsoft visual studio as IDE? It does not work well with unreal. Also after such crash you should recompile project, not do live coding.

I think it all happens because when you compile it stores some DLLs with your code, then when you crash and compile with live coding some of those dlls are outdated. And missing links to nodes in blueprints are result of mismatch between old and new version of code, on top of which you have outdated dlls.

Because of all that mess i switched to Rider.

For week or so i tried to fix single function, however i could not. everything compiled just fine, but bug refused to go away. Then i hardcoded silly result to see if it changed, and ofc. it did not, for that whole time live coding DID NOT update compiled code in DLL. It is when i switched to Rider, and do some “build project” now and then. But that function is perfected now.

Are you using microsoft visual studio as IDE?

Yup, overly complicated bloated #@%%&! that it is but yes.

I’ve no idea how it happened or how I fixed it, basically I just trashed everything I was doing with C++ related and rebuilt and finally I got a folder that states it has C++ code in in it in the root of my project directory, which I didn’t have before seems promising maybe?

I’ll have a look at Rider.

How i fixed similar stuff in past, in this order (next step if previous did not help):

  • close unreal engine and rebuild whole project in msvc, or rider.
  • delete project.sln file, then recreate it from *.uproject file : right click and “generate visiual studio files”
  • delete all files in “Binaries” folder inside project.

And watch that live coding thing, it is unstable.

… lmao … I don’t even know what live coding is supposed to be, I classified it as information bloat overload and ignored it and hoped it would behave itself, as for unstable well the whole thing seem unstable if you ask me.

live coding:

It is really great (when it works) for coding with C++,