Hi all! I need to create this kind of effect:
I created it with the foliage tool using a fair large amount of small rocks with an emissive material.
I don’t like this solution because it’s a problem for optimization due the large number of small objects, any idea on how to do so?
What do you think about two layers for landscape one with the background and one with the stones(using normal maps)?
You could do this with a flat surface and a single material.
The most basic setup would be to use a noise generator (perlin / voronoi) to generate a black / white pattern where white equals high emission and black equals no emission. multiply that 0-1 output with an emissive input and you will have spots that light up and spots that don’t.
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Thank you very much! That’s a good idea but I don’t know how to create, with a noise generator, this “wave effect”: as you can see in the image there are circular semicricle marks that look like waves that I don’t know how to recreate, have you got any suggestion?
UE materials should have a noise node, you can get started with that.
Other shapes like waves, curves and ripples can be layered under the noise and can be either a texture or math generated.
Thank you very much! I’ll have a look to those tutorials
You also need the right kind of noise. This might be pretty good
I deliberately down sampled because it is from a market place product ( @Luos )
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