I’m trying to add Fortnite props to my grass layer, and it devalidate the project; all I’m trying to do is spawn props on a beach, but instead, I need to go now buy some assets from UE marketplace or sketch fab to replace the Fortnite assets. Very annoying, and UEFN should allow me to add Fortnite props to my landscape grass type.
Can you describe the validation errors you are seeing and with which props you are placing so we can reproduce ourselves and take a look?
LogValkyrieValidation: Error: [16] Found disallowed object type /Game/Environments/Apollo/Sets/Coastal/Props/Meshes/S_Coastal_Clutter_02.S_Coastal_Clutter_02
Trying to copy Fortnite static meshes into my grass layer will invalidate the project. I’m using: /Script/Engine.StaticMesh’/Game/Environments/Apollo/Sets/Coastal/Props/Meshes/S_Coastal_Clutter_02.S_Coastal_Clutter_02’ as an example. Copy this line and paste it into the grass mesh, and you’ll invalidate the project
It looks like you are using an unexposed static mesh. The copying and pasting of meshes or materials from one property onto another is a bug we have been fixing. I’m sorry that the editor allowed you to do this even though we consider it a disallowed action later. If you import your own mesh or an allowed mesh you can search for in the content browser it shouldn’t be considered disallowed.