The project I’m working on is to control a robot with the hololens2.
the layout is:
Robot <—> PC (server) ↔ Hololens (Client).
The thing is, when i join the server the hand interaction actors are not working anymore.
i’ve set the network up like the HL2Collab sample from github.
so, my question is:
How do i get my hands working when i’m connected to a server?
best regards,
I’m having the same issue. I’m trying to use the UXTPalmUpConstraint streaming to the hololens 2 and trying it as both the server and client, and it’s not activating. Did you find any answers?
Hi @LucyEstela,
I got an answer from Microsoft that they don’t support replication with the UX-tools.
i’m currently working on a workaround. (trying to not use ux-tools at all)
But its not finished yet.
Best regards,
Any new updates on if your work around worked?
For anyone who comes here after me I’m still looking for an answer, but I’m using the VR template to help understand the input system with the 2 types of input the openXR uses for inputs. If you use the template and play with it a little a cursor is summoned on the spawned menu so I know it’s possible but a little complicated. The cursor and laser is called by the menu and the menu is called by the pawn.