In World.h UWorld::UpdateWorldStreamingState is declared, but there is no matching definition in World.cpp This is for latest preview build for the master branch (10/27/2014, changelist 2340836).
Also UWorld::AssignActorNewNetGUID
In World.h UWorld::UpdateWorldStreamingState is declared, but there is no matching definition in World.cpp This is for latest preview build for the master branch (10/27/2014, changelist 2340836).
Also UWorld::AssignActorNewNetGUID
Hi jCoder,
Thanks for pointing this out. The implementation for UpdateWorldStreamingState had been removed from the Engine some time ago, and there is no longer any code that references it. I am not sure why the declaration is still in World.h, but I can have someone check on that.
The issue with AssignActorNewNetGUID has also already been resolved internally.