I know that UWidgetComponent is still experimental, but when I add a UWidgetComponent to my Character class in c++, its details are complete blank in editor. If I add a WidgetComponent to the Character via Blueprint, it works fine; if I duplicate the component, all the values are there too.
Has anyone run into this problem? Am I perhaps adding the component incorrectly?
The component is there, and anything I do to it in code shows up in editor, but I know this isn’t intended behavior.
It shouldn’t be this complicated… I just want the details panel to have all the options.
The declaration in the .h is:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = “HQCharacter”)
class UWidgetComponent *HealthBarComponent;
The definition in the .cpp is:
HealthBarComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject(FName(TEXT(“HealthBar”)));
Added in code:
Added in BP: