Hi guys,
Basically i export a house from sketchup Pro (Fbx file) to UE4, combined the meshes and everything seems fine before i build the lighting: Lightmap UV are overlapping. I saw some videos but everyone are dated, in my situation i can’t create a second UV channel. Could someone help me?
Blender is the answer you are looking for, there are plugins you can find for Sketchup that help with UV’s but they do not have the specific light map UV that UE4 requires. The architect I’m working with for my game is using Sketchup and we imported his buildings into Blender using the exported .DAE format and then did our UV editing and other smaller details inside Blender and afterwords we export as FBX format. This fixes any import issues we had when we were using the Maya exporter tool which is outdated at this point.
You could also set your buildings to dynamic lighting (moveable) when you build your lights for your level but be advised this can increase processing time since its calculating lighting in real time not pre-baked. Honestly I use this more then setting up baked lighting inside Blender because its faster but you don’t want every actor in your level to have dynamic lighting or cast shadows. If you are using Skeptchup for modeling everything I would look into UVing with Blender.
Hi jimd667, thanks for answer me!
I’ll try with blender.