Okay, the title isn’t very specific, mainly because I have no clue what is going on. I’m brand new to everything related to UE4 and 3D modeling so I decided to start with the basics. A primitive plane.
This is the floor model from the “Reflections” map. It looks pretty nice and clean. I’m assuming all the Tris and Verts for a simple object are for vertex painting? Either way, I’m not worried about all that yet.
So I create a basic plane in MODO. Here is the UV Map for that.
However, as soon as I bring it into the engine and add a material to it, this happens. The left model is the “Reflections” floor. The material tiles perfectly. On my model (the right one) it’s kind of big.
So I double the size of my UV in MODO to cover the entire UV grid. Now I get this.
I mean, it works… I have no problem with that. But the UVs on my model now look like this in UE4
So, if it works, it works. I have no problem with that if it’s not going to cause me any problems later on down the road. But I really want to understand what I’m doing before I move on so…
Why do my UV’s look so vastly different from the one in the “Reflections” map?
Why do both of them have the same outcome?
Sorry for this lengthy post. Thank you all in advance.