I have imported a load of static meshes into UE4 and i have started apply materials (created in UE4).
Do i need to apply a UV Map in 3ds Max to all objects first? Or is there something you can do in UE4?
I have applied a material to a fairly basic object (near enough a cube) but the material hasn’t mapped correctly.
Yes, if you want your material to map correctly you have to do that in your 3D program first before exporting to UE4.
Cheers for the help (as always) Darthviper107
Is applying a UV Map to an object, collapsing to editable poly/mesh and then exporting to FBX enough?
I’ve seen people posting the need for applying 2 UVW Unwraps?
July 20, 2017, 9:29am
You need two UV sets:
One for your regular texturing (UV Channel 0)
and an additional UV Channel (UV Channel 1) for Lightmaps .
You can create second UV set in engine. It’s not perfect but saves tons of work.
That’s the Automatic Generate Lightmap UV’s setting, however it requires that the first UV channel has the UV seams already set up properly. All it does is it has a pretty good algorithm for flattening and packing the UV’s but it doesn’t create the seams for you.