I’m working with UV coordinates bigger than 0…1 space. I know that you should not do something like that, but its not for texture display, its for additional data needed in the Material editor. We use another TextureChannel to pass values 0+ into the Materials. After Import, every Y-Value of the coordinates with a value >1 is broken. It is negativ and sometimes not the abs(value) it should be.
I use the following code to check the UV data.
void PrintUVInfoFromStaticMesh(const UStaticMesh *staticMesh, const int32 uvChannelIndex)
const FStaticMeshLODResources &resource = staticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0];
OWN_LOG_ERROR(LogTemp, "Number LOD Ressource: %d", staticMesh->RenderData->LODResources.Num());
OWN_LOG_ERROR(LogTemp, "Number TextureChannels: %d", resource.GetNumTexCoords());
OWN_LOG_ERROR(LogTemp, "Number Vertices: %d", resource.GetNumVertices());
if (uvChannelIndex > resource.GetNumTexCoords())
OWN_LOG_ERROR(LogTemp, "uvChannel %d does not exist. Max channel number is %d", uvChannelIndex, resource.GetNumTexCoords());
int32 end = resource.GetNumVertices();
for (int32 i = 0; i < end; i++)
FVector2D uv = resource.VertexBuffer.GetVertexUV(i, uvChannelIndex);
OWN_LOG_ERROR(LogTemp, "UV: x: %f \t y: %f", uv.X, uv.Y);
The X-Value is as expected.
I see no reasen why this should be like this. So I would like to see this fixed.