I’m unable to change the friction scale for my wheels in the C++ code because UTireType does not have the ENGINE_API prefix on the class. Besides using blueprints is there another way to do this? If I modify the TireType.h file and add ENGINE_API in the front it then works.
Can someone update the UE4 engine source code so that this is exported as well?
class ENGINE_API UTireType : public UDataAsset
Is there a better work-around in C++ to handle this? (I do not want to use blueprints because they are too unstable for us yet). This is the code we currently have in the Constructor for the wheel:
I entered a request to see if it would be possible to expose the UTireType class (UE-4981). For now, adding ENGINE_API to the UTireType class header file is probably your best option.
OK, thanks . In our project right now we are trying to not modify the engine source at this time. Basically the only thing we can do right now is to accept the default friction value otherwise we would have to implement all of the wheels and other vehicle stuff in blueprints and the code is already done in C++. This was the only thing we needed that was not exposed even though it was included in the Engine’s Public header file.