Using wheightmaps for dynamic landscape?

Hello everyone, I’ve made a world in world machine, and I have created 4 weightmaps:

#1 has white where there should be rock (steep slope)
#2 has white where there should be dirt (medium slope)
#3 has white where there should be grass (not steep slope)
#4 has white where there should be sand (close to water level)

I want my landscape to dynamically have these properties , are weightmaps the right way to go? How can I accomplish this?

If you have any questions, just ask; thanks for the help!

Just to clarify, you mean heightmaps and yes if all you need is a simple landscape material those should work fine. You’ll have to play with blend weights in the landscape material to get the blending right,or you could even use masks also if you’re pretty good with material work.