Using VS Code with Binary Editor and project in any random folder

Hi folks, I’m trying to use VS Code with the Binary editor on a project and I just can’t seem to get the editor working properly.

I’ve tried this on two projects, one is a Blank C++ template, the other is a previously UE4 project. Both seem to exhibit the same behavior. I also tried following the steps on the documentation here Setting Up Visual Studio Code for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation (these have issues…). I have also tried using the UE Intellisense Fixer extension which doesn’t seem to work very well.

When I initially started this process, I couldn’t get anything to work in VS Code. The debug profiles were failing and it wouldn’t build or launch the app at all. So I added the includePath to my file as suggested in the docs, and that made it so I could Build/Debug.

Unfortunately, even with that I can’t seem to use IntelliSense. It can’t find random things all the time. I also noticed the C/C++ extension will just randomly crash quite a lot and not sure that is expected.

The specific errors I’m seeing are all things like:

#include errors detected. Consider updating your compile_commands.json or includePath. IntelliSense features for this translation unit (D:\dev\ue-games\MinervaOutpost\Source\MinervaOutpost\MinervaOutpostGameModeBase.cpp) will be provided by the Tag Parser.C/C++(1696)
cannot open source file "initializer_list" (dependency of "D:\dev\ue-games\MinervaOutpost\Intermediate\Build\Win64\MinervaOutpostEditor\Development\Engine\SharedPCH.Engine.ShadowErrors.h")C/C++(1696)

I’m aware that initializer list is included in Engine source files, so I have also tried manually adding the Engine sources to the includePath but that didn’t fix anything and caused other problems with finding the paths for things.

Is anyone actually using VS Code for development in Windows? Does anyone know how to resolve the above errors?

I have VS 2022 Community and everything works fine in there, but I was hoping to get VS Code support working decently so I could recommend it for developing on Linux.