I built UE5 from source in Visual StuI built UE5 from source in Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 10 following the official guide:
dio 2022 on Windows 10 following the official guide. It worked, and I can run the Unreal Editor.
From the Unreal Editor, I’ve created a blank game. I opened it in Visual Studio, and at a certain point Visual Studio showed me a warning: “The required UE plugin could not be found when parsing the Blueprint information in the project.” I clicked on “How to Install” and was taken to the web page for Visual Studio Integration Tool. I tried to install this using the Epic Games Launcher, but the Epic Games Launcher gave me an error: “You cannot install this plugin as there are no compatible engines installed.”
How can I use the “Visual Studio Integration Tool” with a from-source build of Unreal Engine 5?