Using UNavMovementComponent or UMovementComponent

Hello. In my game design there is no need to use character and related stuff (Acharacter, CharacterMovementComponent…etc). It is a top down game like in top down template. My character is not crouching or jumping…etc. Just walking, running using navigation mesh.

So I want to create a base pawn class for all the characters in my game and create a movement component. In movement component I am a bit stuck. I know there is a documantation about UMovementComponent, UNavMovementComponent, UPawnMovementComponent and finally UCharacterMovementComponent. But it is hard to decide which one I need. Is there any cheat sheet for these things?

I guess I need UNavMovement component to use pathfinding for navigation mesh but my pawn does not fly or swim. It is kind of a Diablo 3. Strategy Game example fits my needs but it uses Characters for it’s pawns. Btw I certainly need a custom movement component to handle character speed. Is using ACharacter too much for me?

check out defaultPawn and floatingPawnMovment component.
its a flying pawn with spectator camera controls, based on pawnMovementComponent, which is based on navMovementComponent, so it will own a pathFollowingComponent.

but you might want to just use character, because you can always turn off jumping and flying, and if you don’t place any water volumes, swimming wont be a problem.

cahitburak unreal i türkiye üzerindenmi kullanıyorsunuz ?

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