What is wrong
I am trying to use a UGameInstance
to store ID’s of items. These ID’s are stored in a helper class that is a child of UObject
. However, when I try to use the UGameInstance
class, I get a duplicate symbols
What I am doing
I used Rama’s tutorial, “Game Instance, Custom Game Instance For Inter-Level Persistent Data Storage”, which is very informative on setting up the UGameInstance
class, but less so on using it.
My Relevant classes consist of:
#pragma once
#include "Engine/GameInstance.h"
#include "ItemRegistry.h"
#include "OncomingGameInstance.generated.h"
class ONCOMINGPREALPHA_API UOncomingGameInstance : public UGameInstance
UItemRegistry* ItemRegistry;
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#include "OncomingPreAlpha.h"
#include "Item/NULLItem.h"
#include "OncomingGameInstance.h"
UItemRegistry* ItemRegistry = NewObject<UItemRegistry>();
UOncomingGameInstance::UOncomingGameInstance(const FObjectInitializer& ObjInit) : Super(ObjInit) {
UWorld* world = GetWorld();
if (world) {
AItem* Item = Cast<AItem>(world->SpawnActor(ANULLItem::StaticClass()));
ItemRegistry->AddToRegistry(Item, "NULL");
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#pragma once
#include "Object.h"
#include "ItemRegistry.generated.h"
class ONCOMINGPREALPHA_API UItemRegistry : public UObject
bool AddToRegistry(class AItem* Item, FString ID);
AItem* GetID(FString ID);
TMap<FString, class AItem*> Registry;
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "OncomingPreAlpha.h"
#include "ItemRegistry.h"
bool UItemRegistry::AddToRegistry(class AItem* Item, FString ID) {
if(Registry.Contains(ID)) {
return false;
Registry.Add(ID, Item);
return true;
AItem* UItemRegistry::GetID(FString ID) {
if (Registry.Contains(ID)) return Registry[ID];
else return Registry["NULL"];
What I have tried
Firstly, I looked into using singletons, eventually coming to the conclusion that they weren’t the best choice. I searched around for a while and found the UGameInstance
class. I decided that it would be the best thing to use, I tried researching how to use it. Rama’s tutorial was the best (And only I could find).
After no success trying to get it working, I have come to post a question. I am probably trying to implement this in a stupid way, so I am open to suggestions on a different method.
I get the Duplicate Symbols
error when I write the following:
#include UOncomingGameInstance.h
void AActorChild::BeginPlay() {
UOncomingGameInstance* inst = Cast<UOncomingGameInstance>(GetGameInstance());
if(inst) {
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 20, FColor::Blue, inst->ItemRegistry->GetID("NULL")->GetName());
Thanks for taking the time to read and reply. Sorry for the code dump.