Using UE4 with CodeBlocks


First some background:

When I started using UE4 I was very annoyed, because I have to use Visual Studio with UE4. I really didn’t want to, but in some question like this one, I found VS Community being free. So I used it. After 30 days, as expected, it asked for license. Now I’m 100% sure I’m not going to use VS. I like CodeBlocks. I wish I could use it with UE4. I have still installed VS so there is no problem with creating project (as it is, when there is no VS installed).

My question:

How can I setup UE4 and CodeBlocks to work together?

You can continue to use VS Community for FREE, you just need to log in. MSFTDocs

Thanks, it helps, but does not answers the question.

Unreal Engine 4 does not officially support any other IDE other than Visual Studio. However, here is a guide to using Code::Blocks with UE4 (it says Liinux, just adapt to Windows if needed).

Thank you!
Just 1 more question. It says it doesn’t support hot reloading. Does it mean I have to restart project after every change I made?

IMHO Hot Reload is still in Beta Stage. It’s pretty finicky. Usually doesn’t work when you implement new functions, but sometimes it will. In any case, do not build inside IDE, build inside the editor, it will help with your debugging way better than IDE could. So, what I’ve been doing is:

  • Write a piece of code in
  • Open project up
  • Compile inside editor
  • Compile Good?
  • Shed a tear of joy!
  • Close Editor
  • Compile Bad?
  • Bang my head on keyboard.
  • Close Editor
  • Rinse and Repeat.

You are more than welcome to keep it open, and 90% of the time Hot Reload will work as intended. But if you know you’ve done something or expose to blueprints (this is the big thing I’ve noticed), then you need to reopen editor and compile. Or compile, reload, but regardless, that editor need to close and reopen up.

I’m satisfied with being able to use VS Community Edition after the 30 days by logging in. Thank you.