I have a lot of objects to capture (turntable, polarised flash) so I am working with a friend to capture two rows at the same time. I’m on a Canon 5d MkIV, he’s on a Canon R6 but am I asking for trouble trying to combine shots from two different cameras (and lens sizes of course) on one scan?
Hi LoopCorp,
RealityCapture can handle also more different cameras. After image import you can use Group calibration w.r.t. EXIF tool (after clicking on the Images in 1Ds view):
Thanks for the reply, I’m reading up on that now. Would that be an essential step or does it just help speed up processing? I will be doing it anyway but I’m curious if not doing it would cause errors.
It is not a mandatory step, but in this case it could help in the alignment process. In general, images with the same body/optics must have the same or very similar calibration parameters. These parameters may vary due to small movements of optics caused by focusing, mechanical movement or temperature changes. These differences are negligible for small resolution cameras, while for high resolution cameras, e.g. 60 Mpx and more, these differences are more visible. On the other hand, by grouping calibration parameters together RealityCapture will need to calculate less parameters which results in a faster computation.
But not doing that shouldn’t cause any crashes.
Thank you