Using TArray<FMyStruct> ?

Trying C++ some bits are confusing. Need a UPROPERTY that is an Array of MyStruct, looking at the header of a BP with it in shows “… TArray’<‘FMyStruct’>'”

but has an error trying to compile it. How do I refer to the Struct?

share the error message

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Error: Unable to find ‘class’, ‘delegate’, ‘enum’, or ‘struct’ with name ‘FMyStruct’

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Was reading some interesting info, something about the BPs being virtual so there is no way to refer to it. Is this right? I’ve experimented creating a C++ Struct and works ok.

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if i understand correctly, you had made a blueprint struct and were trying to reference it from c++?

As far as I am aware, there is not an easy way to do that. I think that it is possible to find assets by filepath but you cannot simply type a blueprint assets name and it will work in c++.