Trying C++ some bits are confusing. Need a UPROPERTY that is an Array of MyStruct, looking at the header of a BP with it in shows “… TArray’<‘FMyStruct’>'”
but has an error trying to compile it. How do I refer to the Struct?
Trying C++ some bits are confusing. Need a UPROPERTY that is an Array of MyStruct, looking at the header of a BP with it in shows “… TArray’<‘FMyStruct’>'”
but has an error trying to compile it. How do I refer to the Struct?
share the error message
Error: Unable to find ‘class’, ‘delegate’, ‘enum’, or ‘struct’ with name ‘FMyStruct’
Was reading some interesting info, something about the BPs being virtual so there is no way to refer to it. Is this right? I’ve experimented creating a C++ Struct and works ok.
if i understand correctly, you had made a blueprint struct and were trying to reference it from c++?
As far as I am aware, there is not an easy way to do that. I think that it is possible to find assets by filepath but you cannot simply type a blueprint assets name and it will work in c++.