For more clarity, here are some logs I am seeing on the client that disconnects:
LogNet: UIpConnection::HandleSocketSendResult: Socket->SendTo failed with error 10 (SE_ENOTSOCK). [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: NULL:bh-francol-mbp-517E47B3004B416E1062CD963C4536B4 Connection beginning close timeout (Timeout = 0).
LogNet: UIpNetDriver::TickDispatch: Socket->RecvFrom: 10 (SE_ENOTSOCK) from [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: NULL:bh-francol-mbp-517E47B3004B416E1062CD963C4536B4 Connection beginning close timeout (Timeout = 0).
LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = ConnectionLost, ErrorString = UIpNetDriver::TickDispatch: Socket->RecvFrom: 10 (SE_ENOTSOCK) from, Driver = GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2
LogNet: Warning: Network Failure: GameNetDriver[ConnectionLost]: UIpNetDriver::TickDispatch: Socket->RecvFrom: 10 (SE_ENOTSOCK) from
LogNet: NetworkFailure: ConnectionLost, Error: 'UIpNetDriver::TickDispatch: Socket->RecvFrom: 10 (SE_ENOTSOCK) from'
LogNet: UNetConnection::Close: [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: NULL:bh-francol-mbp-517E47B3004B416E1062CD963C4536B4, Channels: 2, Time: 2023.10.17-17.35.00
LogNet: UChannel::Close: Sending CloseBunch. ChIndex == 0. Name: [UChannel] ChIndex: 0, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: NULL:bh-francol-mbp-517E47B3004B416E1062CD963C4536B4
LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = ConnectionLost, ErrorString = UIpNetConnection::HandleSocketSendResult: Socket->SendTo failed with error 10 (SE_ENOTSOCK). [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_2, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: NULL:bh-francol-mbp-517E47B3004B416E1062CD963C4536B4 Connection will be closed during next Tick()!, Driver = GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2
LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = ConnectionLost, ErrorString = Your connection to the host has been lost., Driver = GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_2
LogNet: Warning: Encountered an error, cleaning up this connection now
LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/MainMenu?closed
LogNet: Connection failed; returning to Entry