Hi everyone,
I’m strugling with the use of the “project point to navigation” node.
I want to use that node to get the closest point to a non reachable point location, Am I right?
I have a simple patroller character that patrols between target points. If it sees the player it starts following him if the path exist.
I want the patroller to move to the closest reachable location to the player who’s not reachable.
What I do here:
I get the Enemy Position (the player) from the blackboard and use its location to project it to the navmesh and set the returned location to the key destination of the blackboard.
Do I need to get the Navmesh? How?
Try expanding default navigation querying extent. You can do that via Project Settings -> Navigation System -> Supported Agents. You probably don’t have any supported agents at the moment, so just add one and expand DefaultQueryExtent.
Can you post some screenshots presenting the issue, with navmesh drawing enabled?
My hunch tells me projection succeeds but you get different location that you expect. Is there navmesh on top of that unreachable thing player is standing on top of?
Hi thank you for you reply.
I expanded navigation querying extent up to 250 to every axis. But it still doesn’t work.
The return point is the location of the non reachable player, obviously not what I want it to be =/
Yeah it gives me the actual location of player which is not reachable.
There is no navmesh on top of where the player is standing on. should I add one?
Looking at the picture my guess now is that you made default query extent not big enough. How big do you have it now?
Having said that, have you tried “straight-line” movement? It will just move towards given target, regardless of navmesh. You could use this mode when projection fails.
Ok I expanded query extent up to 500 and it works. I needed a project point cause I need the patroller stop and play a sound Thank you!!
Btw I am also the one that asked you some question about the AI Jump ^^.
I have a similar problem. I am looking to get an AI to move close to the player, so I am using a AI Move To command on the players target actor. It works a lot but if the player is by a wall, then it will fail on the ‘On Fail’. I tried the values above but this still happens. Any more info on why it’s failing would be terrific.