Using NavModifierVolumes to restrict certain agent types

I’m trying to implement creatures that can “fly”, which at the moment means they can path over bodies of water. I initially tried to create NavModifierVolumes on the bodies of water and giving the volumes a Nav Area with only flying agents being supported.

I created several agent types in the project settings, but could not find a way to explicit flag Actors as being a particular agent type. From looking online, it sounds like the navigation system infers the agent type by looking at size of the Actor’s capsule (which doesn’t sound like a great system) but in this case the actors don’t seem to respect the NavModifierVolumes anyways.

Creating different agent types actually stopped all my actors from being able to path until I removed the default “Crowd Manager Class” from the project settings. I’m not entirely sure why.

The NavModifierVolumes do show up in-game when I display the navmesh and select the navmesh specifically for flying agents, but none of the actors seem to respect that restriction.

How do I explicitly flag Actors as particular agent types, and how do I make them respect the NavModifierVolumes restrictions?

Hi ,did u find a solution?