Using multiple gamepads when playing as a Listen Server with multiple windows

Hi everyone!

I’ve been learning about making a multiplayer game in a third person project by running as a listen server with multiple windows for the server and client(s). Up until this point, I’ve only had one Xbox one controller and have been testing using the “Route Gamepad to Second Window” multiplayer option that makes it so the first window I click on is controlled by the keyboard/mouse and the other by the controller. The wording on the option states that if unchecked the first controller goes to the first window, the second controller to the second and so on

Recently, I got a second xbox controller and I assumed by the wording of the option that if left unchecked the second controller would automatically route to the second window when play testing, but it doesn’t seem to be working that way. The first controller controls the first window like normal, but the second controller does nothing.

Is there something I’m missing? I’ve confirmed that both controllers are working fine and will control the first window if plugged in first, but I can’t get the second one to do anything. I’ve googled around for a bit and fiddled with some settings/blueprints but I’m a little stuck, so anything to go off of would be greatly appreciated.