I have a level which plays a level sequence when a trigger box is entered. It works fine when tested as a level on its own. However when I instantiate it dynamically as a level instance the sequence does not play. I know it is getting triggered as I have a play indicator from the same trigger that is working.
Here is the code in the instance - It sets the display base (from the content demo) colour to indicate activation and then plays the sequence.
Has anyone else faced this problem? I originally posted in Scripting but having looked into this further and not got any resolution there I’m now beginning to feel that this is a bug.
I’ve solved this and am posting the answer in-case others hit the same problem. The issue is that the objects to be manipulated don’t bind to the level sequence if its an instance in the same way as if it is standalone.
To solve this:
Firstly you have to use an in-level sequence object rather than creating one at run time. So drag your sequence into the level so that it shows as an object in the world outline.
Next you have to deal with what I think are a couple of BUGS
You have to force assign the object for the sequencer in the editor using the bindings override. As per this image.
Next you have to use RELATIVE movement in your sequencer otherwise the objects won’t do what you expect. This is even worse if you try to set location as it applies in world coordinates
My advice - test as an instance in your main level early before you do too much work in the sub level and then have to go back to redo it or wait for these bugs to be fixed.