Using Gameplay Ability System Component with Interactable Foliage?

We are currently using a damaging system that uses GAS and Gameplay Attributes to handle damage and health. For now only characters that implement the Ability System Component can deal and recieve damage, but we want to expand it so that damage can be dealt by and recieved by other actors that are not characters. One of the things that can recieve damage is foliage like trees, bushes, rocks, etc. We have previously done tinteraction with foliage in a project that doesn’t implement GAS by using a Foliage Instanced Static Mesh Component, but this time we want to unify the damage system between actors (everything that can be damaged should handle damage the same way). We have thought about using a GAS Component and Gameplay Attributes for health for the foliage, but we are not sure how this would work and if that approach is too extreme. Another way is to simply use replicated floats for the necessary properties, but that way we lose the advantages of GAS, like Gameplay Effects that cause continuous damage to the foliage (like fire).

Example: We want to have a fire arrow that can set its target on fire, no matter if it’s a player, another character or a type of foliage or other object in the level. The problem is that we don’t know how to handle the Gameplay Effect that represents this since the foliage and other objects don’t have GAS components. And obviously, we strive for a performance friendly solution.

Any help on the damage unification process would be appreciated!